Hire From Us

The Nanny Academy revolves around the founding
principle that ‘education starts from birth’ and blended in
with the educational philosophy of Jean Piaget / Howard Gardner, as well as lots of applied real life experiences.

Contact Phone Numbers

Employment Requirement

Level 1:

Nanny: N50,000; Housekeeper: N50,000 ; Caregiver: N70,000 ; Cook: N70,000.

(New trainee + Background checks, medicals + minimum of 6 months of experience.)

Level 2:

Nanny: N85,000 to N110,000; Housekeeper: 85,000 to N110,000; Caregiver: N90,000 to N140,000; Cook: N85,000 to N150,000.

(These salary ranges are based on previous salaries earned by candidates. Experienced trainee + 1 year to 2 years or more experience + medical and Background Checks)

Level 3:

Nanny: N120,000 to N300,000 and above; Housekeeper: N100,000 to N300,000 and above; Caregiver: N150,000 and above; Cook: N140,000 and above.

(Salaries above are based on previous salaries earned by candidates. Trained + 3 to 5 years experience + medicals and Background Checks)

Please give age(s),and gender of child / children: (if hiring a Nanny)